
Planned Giving

The Carter Society

The Carter Society honors those individuals and families who either include Habitat Greater Boston in their estate plans or contribute to the Endowment Fund, gifts that embody President Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter’s dedication to affordable homeownership. Members of the Society are recognized at and invited to join events and other opportunities annually that demonstrate the impact of the Endowment Fund’s transformational work. Since its founding, Habitat Greater Boston has responded to changing community needs. The Endowment Fund ensures that we will continue to do so in perpetuity.

Housing instability leaves too many families feeling stressed, anxious, and even hopeless. You can help. With a gift that has an impact now or one that creates your legacy, you are taking action to stop the cycle of housing instability and giving families the opportunity to create an affordable, safe place to call home. What will your legacy be?

For information about joining, including Habitat Greater Boston in your estate plans, or making an endowment gift, please contact Chief Development Officer Tricia Casey at triciacasey@habitatboston.org or 617-675-6727.



You can make a bequest to Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston through your will or trust.

Bequests can be given as:
  • A percentage of an estate.
  • A specific dollar amount.
  • A gift of personal property, such as real estate or artwork.

If you already have a will in place, you can add an addition to it called a codicil. Since a codicil does not replace a will, it can be a simple, and inexpensive, way to make a bequest to Habitat Greater Boston.

If you do not have a will, we encourage you to consider writing one which clearly states your intentions and provides security for your loved ones.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you or your spouse are at least 70 ½ years old, you can use your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to make a gift to Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston.

When making an IRA charitable rollover you can:
  • Satisfy your required minimum distribution.
  • Avoid federal and, in many cases, state income taxes.
  • Provide up to $100,000 of support of our mission of building affordable homes and partnering with local hardworking families in their journey to homeownership.
To make your gift:

Contact your IRA administrator to request that a charitable distribution be transferred to Habitat Greater Boston.Ask your IRA administrator to write your name on the memo line of the check and specify that the gift is an IRA charitable distribution from your account.

Send the check to:

Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston
434 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02118

Retirement Plans and Life Insurance

You can name Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan including an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b).

You can complete a beneficiary designation form with your insurance policy provider or with the administrator of your retirement plan.

Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston can be designated as a partial (1-99 percent), whole, or contingent beneficiary, while Habitat Greater Boston’s tax-exempt status permits a gift to be made free of tax.

Same as a bequest, a beneficiary designation enables you to:
  • Make a long-lasting impact on Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston without withdrawing funds from your bank account.
  • Remove assets from your estate and reduce your tax liability.

If you already made arrangements for a Planned Gift in support of Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston, please email us at giving@habitatboston.org to let us know.

434 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02118